Dahab (Egyptian Arabic: دهب‎, "gold")


About Dahab

Dahab is a small town on the coast of the Red Sea, about 100 kilometres North East of Sharm el Sheik airport. It is famous for world class diving, wind surfing and kite boarding. On average it rains only once or twice a year and you are guaranteed well over 300 days of sunshine. Perfect for sun worshippers!

Dahab’s ability to enchant is difficult to explain to anyone who is yet to visit. There is something truly special that brings visitors back again and again. Vibrant coral ecosystems juxtapositioned against the stark and barren splendour of the surrounding mountains have an intoxicating effect. Time seems to slow as worries and stresses of the outside world gradually melt away. Even with the many great activities in Dahab, one of the best is doing nothing!


Traditionally Dahab was a stop-off on the annual migration routes for the nomadic Bedouin tribes of the area. In such an extreme environment as the Sinai Peninsula, Dahab was a comparatively lush and inviting place. Groves of date palms gave seasonal food as well as much needed shade, water came from a local oasis and the fishing was particularly rich from the spectacular coral reefs that cling to the shore. In the heat of summer both the cooling breeze and ease of access to the water made even the hottest of days bearable. As time went on more and more Bedouin families settled permanently and lived in Dahab year round. 


The diving around Dahab is some of the best in the world. The Blue Hole and The Canyon are easily the most famous sites, but there are scores of other sites all along the coast, some with arguably even greater appeal. Diving is possible all year round. Great visibility, warm water, small tidal range and minimal currents make conditions perfect for those learning to dive. Diving is not just limited to beginners however; the reef wall around Dahab can drop away to depths of hundreds of meters within a stones throw of shore. In recent years the growth of Technical Diving and Free Diving has added to Dahab’s popularity as the ease of access to depth mean these activities can be done directly from the shore.

Even the most experienced diver will find something to interest and challenge them.


To find out more about life in Dahab, read our FAQs
